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Saturday, July 19, 2025

7:00am | Check-In and Race-Day Registration

7:45am | Opening Ceremony

8:00am | Race Start

presented by

Highmark Wholecare Logo

sponsored by

ALDI, Color Logo.png
Howard Hanna Mortgage Services _ Habitat Pittsburgh Youth Triathlon Sponsor
Brentwood Bank.png
McIntyre Square.png

pre-race info meeting

Friday, July 19 at 6:30pm

A Pre-Race Info Meeting will be held Friday July 19th at 6:30pm at the North Park Swimming Pool in the parking lot between the playground and pool (you'll see an area marked off with cones and banners where we're meeting). We'll review the course and you can ask any questions you have so that you and your parents feel fully prepared for race-day. Complimentary bike safety checks are also available to all athletes, courtesy of local Pro Bike+Run.


If you have questions, please call Stephen Hart at 412-450-8520 ext. 102.

Click here to see your race number and the time you'll be starting the race. This number will be written on your arm and leg and corresponds with your race-chip and assigned spot in the Transition Area. You'll also see your start time and heat information. The heat letter will indicate when they will start the race, and with which group. Don't worry if that's confusing, we'll guide you along the way so you can stay focused on the fun of swimming, biking, and running!

arrival and race

Check-in and race-day registration starts at 7am on Saturday morning. Here's what to do when you arrive at North Park Swimming Pool:

  1. Park in the lot south of the pool, outside the areas marked with cones.

  2. Drop-off your bike, helmet, etc. at your assigned spot in the Transition Area, volunteers will be there to assist you in finding it.

  3. Check-in at the registration tables under the tents at our event hub, between the playground and pool. Here you’ll receive a bag, t-shirt, and a snack!

A brief opening ceremony will be held at 7:45am at the start of the Swim Section. The first heat of the race will begin at 8am.


7 – 9 year olds

     50 Meters (1 Lap)

10 – 12 year olds

     100 Meters (2 Laps)

13 – 15 year olds

     400 Meters (8 Laps)


7 – 9 year olds

     1.5 Miles

10 – 12 year olds

     2.4 Miles

13 – 15 year olds

     7.0 Miles (3 Laps)


7 – 9 year olds

     0.5 Miles

10 – 12 year olds

     1.0 Miles

13 – 15 year olds

     2.0 Miles (2 Laps)

After finishing, you'll get a medal, photo, and Smiley cookie! We will host two awards ceremonies, one for younger age groups and another for older, at the event hub to award trophies to the top three finishers of each age and gender. Other activities, such as tie-dyeing your race t-shirt, building on our Lego home construction site, and playing "corn-hole," are available while you wait for results or stay to cheer on fellow athletes. Pizza will also be available near the conclusion of the race at 10am for athletes and volunteers.

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